Active Directory Provider

The NEXT Identity platform interacts with Active Directory Provider through three syncs:

Initial Inbound Sync
The initial inbound sync pulls all user and group records from Active Directory and stores it in a queue to be imported to the NEXT platform. This sync will begin when the LDAP daemon is first initialized. After a successful initial inbound sync, you would be able to see all your Active Directory users and groups on the NEXT platform.
Delta Inbound Sync
The delta inbound sync pulls all user or group records from Active Directory that have been modified since the last inbound sync occurred. The records will be queued and users and groups will be updated accordingly on the NEXT platform. To check for users or groups that have been modified since the last sync occurred, we utilized the whenChanged field on each Active Directory record. A search query will look for all records that has a whenChanged timestamp at a later date than the last sync time. By default, delta inbound sync will occur by default every hour, but can be configured in the environment variables (refer to the Setting up Environment Variables below for more details).
Delta Outbound Sync
The delta outbound sync will record all changes to users and groups as they occur on the NEXT platform by storing the changes in a queue. From the queue, each change will be processed and Active Directory will be updated accordingly. The delta outbound sync will help keep your Active Directory stay up to date with the changes that are being performed on NEXT.

Integrating Active Directory Provider and NEXT

Setting up Environment Variables

To connect your organization’s Active Directory provider to the NEXT platform, you must configure the following environment variables in the .env file located in the root directory.

  • LDAP_DC: The unique domain controller for your Active Directory instance
  • LDAP_SERVER: The IP address of the Active Directory instance containing the prefix “ldap://
  • LDAP_USER: The username of a user that has access to search and udpate users and groups in the Active Directory domain controller
  • LDAP_PASS: The password used to authenticate as the LDAP_USER
  • DELTA_SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS: The interval (in seconds) of when the outbound delta sync would be performed
Example list of environment variables in .env:






Active Directory Data Field Mapping

When data is imported into the NEXT platform from Active Directory, the data field names for Active Directory users and groups will be mapped to new field names to allow our platform to interact with the incoming data. Active Directory data fields are currently being mapped according to the tables below.

User Fields

AD Field NEXT Field
objectGUID user_id
telephoneNumber business_phones
whenCreated created_date
company company_name
countryCode country
department department
memberOf member_of
displayName name
employeeID employee_id
givenName given_name
title job_title
mail email
cn user_nickname
manager manager
mobilePhone mobile_phone
distinguishedName distinguished_name
postalCode postal_code
preferredLanguage preferred_language
streetAddress street_address
userPrincipalName user_principal_name

Group Fields

AD Field NEXT Field
objectGUID role_id
whenChanged created_date
description description
name name
groupType group_types
member members
managedBy owners